Hijra with ill son


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, I have a question regarding Hijrah.

My husband is from a sufi country in West Africa—however it has a growing Salafi community—and he wishes to go home as it is better than where we are in the West. However, I have a child with severe allergies to nuts and fish. And nuts and fish are the common staple diet of this country and a huge part of the culture.

I am concerned that she will not have access to a good diet and also that she may be put into danger just by visiting family. I am confused as to what is best. Is it better for us to make hijra in this situation? If anything happened to my daughter concerning her allergies, may Allah protect her, would we be responsible having taken her there? May Allah reward you.                                                                                                                                   


Shaykh Adil As-Sayed replied that if you are able to practice freely in this kuffar country and there is no harm on your religion, then you can stay until you find a solution for the health of your daughter. Yet, if there is any harm regarding your religion, then travel to your hometown in West Africa and ask Allah to cure your daughter and protect her from any reactions to these foods. In this case, there is no sin upon you. Saving your Religion is more of a priority than health and body. May Allah protect your daughter from any danger regarding this allergy.