Reversing Family Planning Surgery


  السلام عليكم

I have done family planning surgery after having three caesarian sections. Now I am feeling guilty and I want to reverse the surgery. I have numbness and muscle pain and pain all over the body. This condition has been prevailing for the past few years and it is not getting better. Reversal surgery to becoming pregnant will need a complete opening procedure similar to c section as it has to be done under a microscope. I might need at least two full opening procedures in sha’ Allah to have another child.

So should I go ahead and reverse the surgery or should I make istigfar as I have some prolonged problems like numbness in both the hands and in some other parts of the body and all over muscle pain.

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

Shaykh Adil As-Sayed:

Do not do another surgery to reverse the previous operation, because this could be dangerous for you. Making istighfaar to Allah is enough. Since you made istighfaar Allah will forgive your wrongdoing and don’t worry about reversing the operation.