Women teaching boys in case of necessity and vice versa


I live in the west, where schools are for both boys and girls. We have quite some Muslims here and schools from the first class to high school have Islam classes available. But the classes are held for both genders at the same time, so if the teacher is a woman she’d have to teach boys too and if there’s a male teacher he would teach the girls also. If no muslim teacher is to be found, they will hire a non-muslim which has its own dangers and risks. So which one is better in this case, for a muslim to work in a teaching job like this while having to teach teenagers of both genders or letting a disbeliever teach Islam? May Allah reward you with goodness.

Shaikh Adel As-Sayyed:

A Muslim teacher teaching in a mixed class is better than a kaffir teaching them.

Accordingly even if the teacher is a woman and she has to teach boys, or the opposite, this is better than a kaffir teaching them.