My ex husband visits our son in my house without a mahram present


Me and my ex have a one year old son. Because of the distance and the young age of our son, his father comes to visit him at my house. He has no other place to go with him in my area. In the beginning my brother was always present, but since he got his job he isn’t available.

The father of my son doesn’t want this to be a reason for not visiting him and finds that for the sake of our child we should keep doing this. So we end up in the same room together without mahram.

I really don’t feel comfortable, but I feel like I have no choice because this would lead him to take me to court (from kuffaar). What do you advise me?

Sheikh Adel As-Sayed:

This is strictly prohibited, you shouldn’t meet with your ex husband in the same place without a mahram. He can see his child in any open place.