Slaughtering in order to receive a good proposal


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

I would like to know if it is allowed for a wali (guardian) to slaughter an animal with the intention that his daughter gets a good proposal for marriage. He wishes to distribute the whole meat in charity to poor people without even giving to relatives nor his family. Is this the correct way to do it? And if this is correct, can he put the intention of aqeeqah too while slaughtering the animal?

وعليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

Shaikh Adel As-Sayyed:

This manner of slaughter is an innovation (bidah) with the intention of getting a good marriage proposal for one’s daughter. Do not do this.

Follow up:

Zaynab El-Kateb:

All the deeds of supplication to Allah need a proof in Islam. Where is the proof in Islam for slaughtering to be granted a good proposal? Did the Prophet, peace be upon him or his Companions did this?

You can give charity in the form of food or money and then ask Allah by your good deed to grant you what you wish.


As previous intention is bidah, can the wali now keep the intention of slaughtering an animal and giving the meat to poor people in charity only for the sake of pleasing Allah. And then he makes dua for whatever he wishes.


First the intention has to be just food (meat) not to intend the action of slaughtering, because slaughtering as an act of worship is only within legislated occasions as Ahdha eid or Aqeeqah.

So slaughtering to distribute the meat or buying the meat directly from the butcher shop is the same.

Then you take this intention of feeding muslims to please Allah and ask Allah to accept it from you and make duaa, as we can ask Allah by our good deeds. Also charity is a reason to earn Allah’s mercy.